Keeping Pickleball for the masses

Here’s an interesting story from the Reno Gazette Journal. Entitled Praying to the pickleball gods: Birthplace of popular sport works to keep it for the masses, the articles begins with a recap of the sports growing popularity: “There are now a whopping 4.8 million players in the U.S. (a number that’s almost doubled in the past five years), and professional competition is booming around the world. Broadcasters are televising pickleball matches.

The article continues “There are pickleball themed weddings, and celebrity endorsements</a>, and lengthy think pieces about the sport showing up in prestigious magazines.”

But then the author considers the game of Pickleball from a perspective few of us have considered. “The future of pickleball is lucrative. Its past, however, might hold its real value. Pickleball, at heart, is a homegrown game that celebrates fun, community, and inclusion. It is also a spiritual pursuit that brings people together and provides meaning beyond what most of us expect to get out of a sport”.

The author mentions Washington’s Bainbridge Island, where Pickleball was invented, and goes on to discuss pickleball as a spiritual pursuit:

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